5 Pregnancy Gifts She’ll Actually Use

5 Pregnancy Gifts She’ll Actually Use

Pregnancy is an exciting but stressful journey which is greatly improved through the love and support of friends and family. Whether you’re looking for a gift for a loved one or a colleague, you probably want to pick a gift that is thoughtful and practical but not boring. When it comes to buying pregnancy gifts, the most important thing to consider is whether your gift will help the mum-to-be and make her life easier.

Bump Box

A bump box is a practical gift that is ideal for any mum-to-be. A bump box often contains treats for mum such as aromatherapy candles to relax, belly moisturisers to keep pregnancy skin in top shape and a water bottle to help your friend stay hydrated throughout the day. Bump boxes may also contain various other items from gourmet foods to beauty products. The American Pregnancy Association recommends ginger and lemon flavoured drops to reduce morning sickness so make sure you add some to your box. Ginger can also help to reduce the symptoms of abdominal pain which can pose a serious health risk for pregnant women.

Bump box, treats for a new mum

Pregnancy Pillow

Having a baby puts tremendous stress on a woman’s entire body, especially her back. This is why pregnant women often experience back pain, especially in the second and third trimesters. A pregnancy pillow is a thoughtful gift as it will help to reduce and even prevent back pain. It will also help your friend maintain a comfortable sleep position so that she can enjoy a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling rested. Another huge benefit of a pregnancy pillow is that it can be used postpartum to provide back support while breastfeeding.

Pregnancy pillow

Herbal Bath Salts

On average, women gain 25 to 35 lbs during pregnancy. This additional weight can cause problems such as swollen and aching feet. Similarly, the weight of the baby, puts significant strain on the back muscles. A warm bath can help to ease body aches and pains as well as reduce stress and anxiety. When buying herbal bath salts for a pregnant friend, look for lavender, chamomile and ylang ylang as these are soothing herbal oils that will help to improve overall mood and encourage relaxation and sleep.

Herbal Bath Salts for new Mums

Adjustable Sandals

Sandals may seem like a strange pregnancy gift, but they are a practical and useful gift. Most pregnant women experience swollen feet right from the third month right through their pregnancy. While a woman may love shoe shopping at any other time, it’s the last thing she wants to do when she’s pregnant. Look for adjustable sandals that have contoured cork footbeds (which offer superb support) and still look stylish. The great thing about adjustable sandals is that they can also be used after pregnancy.

Adjustable Sandals for New mums

A gift card for quality maternity clothes

Most women try to skimp on maternity clothes so that they can splurge on their baby instead. There is a stark difference in the comfort offered by quality maternity wear and cheap maternity wear. For instance, a pair of cheap maternity jeans are likely to be uncomfortable and won’t stay in place but good maternity jeans will have a snug and comfortable fit. A gift card for quality maternity wear will allow your friend to buy the clothes she needs without feeling guilty about spending so much on herself.

Maternity clothes for New mums

When buying a pregnancy gift that is a surprise for the mum-to-be, you should consult her husband to make sure that she doesn’t already have the item. You can also talk to her friends and family to find out if there’s anything that she wants but is unable to buy. If you’re creating a pregnancy gift hamper, you can also include a small but unusual gift for the baby such as a small bottle of organic massage oil. Avoid buying gag gifts especially gifts like lingerie or funny t-shits to be worn post-birth (such as ‘I’m not fat, I’ve just had a baby’). Pregnant women experience drastic mood changes due to their fluctuating hormone levels so she might not take it in the way you intended. If you don’t know the baby’s gender and want to gift baby clothes, choose unisex baby clothes rather than playing the guessing game. Put thought and effort into picking out a pregnancy gift and you’re sure to get it right!

Author’s Bio: Anita Fernandes has been writing extensively on health and wellness for over a decade. She has expertise in nutrition, fitness, public health, and weight loss and has contributed content to a variety of leading digital health publishers. Anita has a unique perspective on healthy living and lifestyle, as she has battled and overcome eating disorders and mental health issues. She shares her experiences in an effort to help others build resilience and overcome the problems that can sometimes seem insurmountable.