

    Shop with us only online, to find the best selection of unique newborn toys from the UK. We have hand selected our range to be of the best quality, and stock toys for 0-6 months old babies.
    Choose from our soft toy collection from Taf Toys, which are bright, educational, stimulating, sensory toys perfect for play at home or out and about as all come with integrated buggy clips. We also have a collection of wooden toys, from rattles to teethers again for home or away play. These are not only designed to keep babies amused but actually help to promote babies' development.

    36 products

    About Our Newborn Baby Toys

    The newborn baby toys we stock are high-quality, durable baby toys that have one or more of the following sensory qualities: tactile, auditory, and olfactory. They're perfect soft toys for newborns for keeping babies entertained and letting their minds explore new sensations! These fun toys can also be given as a gift and children will absolutely love them. Give your little bundle of joy these informative toys for endless hours of fun and exploration! Just give your little one a new toy for a happy day. Being a new parent can be difficult and stressful, especially when you're going on your own. Something as small as the sound of giggles from your baby is bound to make you feel relieved. That's why we stock these beautiful baby toys - so that your little one has something of their own to explore with, and eventually bond over! Give them an investment of fun today! We stock a beautiful ranges of toys for six month old, some cool toys for 2 year olds, 18 month olds and 3 month olds.

    For a newborn baby, choosing a safe and developmentally appropriate toy is crucial. One of the best options is a soft, cuddly stuffed animal or a plush baby doll. These toys provide comfort, sensory stimulation, and can even become a source of emotional attachment. Look for ones with contrasting colours, as newborns are drawn to high-contrast patterns such a black and white or red tones. Soft rattles or textured teething toys are also excellent choices, as they engage a baby's senses and help with motor skill development. Additionally, consider soft, fabric or plastic baby books with large, colourful pictures. These not only promote visual development but also encourage early language exposure when parents talk about the images.

    The best selection of infant sensory toys

    Always ensure the toys are made from non-toxic materials, free from small parts that could pose a choking hazard, and are easy to clean. When choosing a newborn toy for a gift it is often a good idea to choose infant toys for 0-6 month olds, just so they last a little longer.

    Shop from our expertly selected range above!