The Big 12 Days Of Christmas Giveaway

The Big 12 Days Of Christmas Giveaway

Yay, it's nearly December, so we can officially now get excited about Christmas!

Previously we've done a few give away's at this time of year, but we thought we would go all out and do our biggest ever in the shape of our 12 days of Christmas give away. From luxury Christmas candles to knitted gingerbread men toys and festive baby outfits, we have a whole plethora of gorgeous baby's first christmas presents that we will be giving away over the next two weeks. It's lovely shopping for all these presents for everyone else, but we thought it would be a good idea to offer a few treats just for all you parents and new babies out there.

Each day's give away will feature products from our Christmas Shop, where you can order festive baby gifts starting from just £3.00, and have them delivered direct to the recipient, without the need to face the cold weather and battle round heaving shops!

Starting on the 1st of December 2015, we will open one by one the windows of our advent calendar below, to reveal that days give away.

The Big 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway

How to enter the giveaway?

The give away will be run from both our Facebook . 
From our Facebook page you will need to 'Like' our page and 'Share' the day's post, and for the Twitter page, you will need to 'Follow' our account and 'Retweet' the day's tweet to enter the giveaway. A winner will be drawn at random at 9 pm from the entries that day. Entrants must be over 18 years of age, and prizes include delivery to a UK address. Enough with the boring stuff, more interestingly what will be on offer?

Here is a taster of some of the products that will be included -

1st December
Our first day's offering is one of our large knitted George the dinosaur worth £13. This give away will be via our Facebook page

Christmas Give away day 1



Knitted Rex Dinosaur baby toy


4th December
Day 4 of our give away will be a festively fragranced Cranberry and Orange Candle votive by Wild Olive, perfect to fill your home with warming winter scents. This give away will be via our Twitter page

Christmas give away day 7


Wild Olive Cranberry and Orange Christmas Candle


8th December
We have one of our favourite products to give away for this one - an Organic Monkey baby skincare set containing nappy balm and baby massage oil, all wrapped up in a beautiful Hessian bag. This giveaway is via our Twitter page.

Christmas Giveaway day 5



Organic Monkey Baby Skincare set


11th December
An offering from our Christmas clothing selection is up for grabs on this day - a gorgeous bright red baby sleepsuit with vintage reindeer print to the front, a perfect comfortable outfit for any newborn on the big day. This giveaway is via our Facebook page.

Christmas Give away day 2


Baby Christmas gift sleep suit



As for the rest of the products on offer, you'll have to watch this space to find out!

Lots of luck

Christine and Chloe x

Shop our range of infant Christmas gifts online today!


You might also like to take a look at out Christmas giveaway for 2016

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